Sunday Program 5:00 AM - 8:00 PM | Daily Schedule

About Us

ISKCON Dehradun is a dynamic and forward-thinking group composed of young visionaries who bring together their expertise in various fields, including respectable and established businesses, legal practices, and comprehensive knowledge of estate administration. Our team members are renowned professionals who excel in their respective domains and possess a deep understanding of all aspects related to estate management. With their extensive experience, they can effectively manage your estate on your behalf or provide valuable support in your role.

At ISKCON Dehradun, we recognize and empathize with the pain experienced by survivors who often lack a comprehensive understanding of their loved one's movable and immovable properties. The process of transferring and closing these assets can be overwhelming, requiring individuals to navigate through multiple offices with a mountain of documents. Many are burdened by a lack of knowledge, education, and experience in legal procedures, which can lead to significant delays or even the complete loss of assets and wealth.

Trivia About

History of ISKCON

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), known colloquially as the Hare Krishna movement or Hare Krishnas is a religious organization that follows the teachings of Vedas and Vedic scriptures, practicing and preaching Vaishnavism – The worship of Krishna or Vishnu. The institution, which came into existence in the year 1966 in New York by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada managed to turn the tables for the Hippie culture in the west, providing them with a sort of higher bliss which in fact left many think seriously about spirituality.

Visit an ISKCON Temple and you will probably realize that this higher bliss is simply attained by chanting the holy names of god, dancing till the world ends and well, when it does, Feast! The Society is striving to become a sort of self sufficient one, giving people a sense of independence through an enveloping positive association, mentors, friends and many others to help one solve their problem’s.

Temple Facilities

Empowering Communities: Our initiatives aim to empower communities through education, skills development, and access to resources, fostering self-sufficiency and growth. to empower communities through education, skills development, and access to resources, fostering self-sufficiency and growth